The debate of many beginner hobbyists. Plastic and silk plants can come in colors you could never find in real plants, but does my aquarium need live plants for my fish to survive?
In short answer is no. Live plants in your fish tank is not essential for creating a functioning, healthy fish tank. While they are not vital, aquarium plants do bring many benefits to your fish tank and its occupants. The main point is as hobbyists, we want our tank population to thrive not just survive.

Live plants are not only visually appealing in your aquarium, but they also provide many other benefits. The provide great filtration, add oxygen to the water while absorbing carbon dioxide created by tank occupants, help combat algae growth and provide hiding places for your fish. This can help reduce aggression among the tank mates and decrease stress levels.
Live plants create an ecosystem while more closely mimicking your tank inhabits environment in the wild. Overall, plants have many benefits.

But to play the devils advocate, If plants decay and the debris is not removed quickly the decaying plant matter can produce too much waste, which in turn can be harmful to the fish. Further, it is possible for live plants to carry harmful pests such as snails, and parasites that cause disease. (Many hobbyists put plants through a bleach dip to kill any pests that could be in the plants)
Altogether, plants can have many benefits for your aquarium and it’s inhabitants from hiding places to helping oxygenate the water. On the other hand, live plants count as another tank inhabitant and have their own needs as well.

Now after reading all this info you probably want to add live plants to your aquarium (or more for our friends who already know how awesome live plants are) it's a great time to mention we now have an Aquatic Plant tab in our shop section. Go ahead and check it out, we're adding new plants!
